One of the top corporate training trends happening in 2020 is the importance of building a workplace learning culture.

A learning culture occurs when an organization places importance on providing the tools for their employees to develop the abilities and the knowledge needed to execute their roles. This culture of learning develops when employees learn about the company itself, their values, where their role fits in the company, their skills used in their job, and other skills and knowledge needed for functions of their position.
Organizations that integrate learning into their daily operations and work are seeing better results. Reports show that employees are more likely to remain in a role because of the investment in their training. Emphasizing learning is crucial for all roles and is key to employee success.
Make a better first impression by introducing new employees to your learning culture during their onboarding. Doing this will set the tone of continuous learning in the workplace while supporting your new employee as they transition into their new role. An IBM study identifies fully training the team as one of the most valuable training practices from leading organizations. Training your team members on the first day reduces the risk of knowledge leak – ensuring everyone has the same information while also setting a foundation of their knowledge and skills for their new role.
Providing a learning tool/platform for your employees that is easily accessible on their own time is also incredibly important. People learn at different paces; providing a place for them to learn on their own or at a scheduled time, will increase the value of their learning by making it convenient. Allowing employees to have access to a resource post-training is also beneficial for “training refreshers” or for troubleshooting and confirming a process.
Laying the foundation of learning from an employee’s onboarding and continuing to do so during their day-to-day operations ensures that your staff is equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. Consistent training helps to reinforce the importance of applying the same process correctly and having it succeed.
Making training available in a high-turnover industry or remote location translates to more
knowledgeable employees resulting in a more productive and efficient organization. Hands-on learning has always been key to employee success in many industries and will always be important when training employees. However, shifting some of the content to an online platform can allow for training to reach more employees – remotely and efficiently.
Overall, creating a learning culture ensures that all employees are confident and prepared for their role in the company, no matter what they are doing. The delivery of consistent information reduces the risk of missed or false information. Also, communicating expectations helps new hires understand what they are accountable for and allows them to focus on learning. A learning culture shows that as a company, you are investing in your employees’ development and are committed to their success.