Did you know!
88% of employees think their employer did a poor job with their onboarding process.
The average cost to replace an employee is 16% - 20% of their salary.
77% of employees who had a formal onboarding process achieved their first performance goals.
Insightworks Onboarding is for new hires, employees moving to a new role or for recurring training. Create packages to assign, and deliver any combination of content to employees for the most effective way to establish clear expectations.
Create packages to assign, and deliver any combination of content to employees. You can coordinate process handoffs between the manager and employee, creating clear accountabilities and process consistency. The results are reduced classroom and administrative time, faster new hire time to productivity and a strong relationship between the new employee and organization.
Communicate and track applicants for internal job postings, allowing you to efficiently manage the process, communicate status with applicants, and maintain a posting history.
Track certifications allowing managers and human resource professionals to monitor the validity and expiry of their organization’s certificates. All users can monitor their certificates, allowing for transparency in compliance and prompts individuals to remain up to date and certified. Managers and users will receive notifications about upcoming expirations and can access reports indicating the certification status.